2020: One gin tonic, please, in Kaplan Projects Gallery, Palma. Book presentation and collective exposition. Benefical project in colaboration with Cruz Roja.
2020: Room Flames, in Kaplan Projects Gallery, Palma. Colaboration with Samuel Almansa, Lluís Vidaña, Aniya Defries y Josep Santamaría
2020: Projecto Fuente, in La Osadía Shop, Palma (SOLO SHOW)
2020: Mural painting, Ajuntament de Palma.
2019: Nit de l’art Felanitx, Mallorca.
2019: Donart, curated by Dinamo and Els Geranis, Palma.
2019: Artdemossa, Ajuntament de Valldemossa, Mallorca.
2019: Ilustración y literatura, Gargots magazine, in MUA (Museo de la Universidad de Alicante.
2018: Coworking, Barcelona.
2015: Free art Festival, Sa possesió, Palma de Mallorca.
2013: Free art Festival, Sa possesió, Palma de Mallorca.
2013: Puertas, Es4moixos, casal Ciutat Antiga, Palma de Mallorca.
2013: Paraísos perdidos, Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca.